NO MORE TENDONITIS! Three straightforward solutions for office workers

This post is jam-packed with 3 helpful tips you can start doing TODAY to make your wrists feel better, so make sure you scroll all the way down and read everything!

😳 Do you know what I hate??

I hate how often the word ‘tendonitis’ is thrown around in the medical community as a wastebasket diagnosis - the doctor doesn’t know what your pain is coming from, so they slap ‘tendonitis’ on your chart and call it a day.

This is unfortunate because, so often when this happens, clear solutions are skipped over and you’re told to just ‘buy a brace’ and ‘it will go away.’ 
(But what happens when it doesn’t??? Ughhhhh lol 🙄 🙄​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ 🙄​​​​​​​)

This is why today I’m helping you understand what tendonitis means, where it comes from, and - most importantly - what to do about it.

‘Tendonitis’ means ‘inflammation of a tendon’ and for the purposes of this email, we are going to focus on wrist tendonitis.

I would argue the BIGGEST risk factor for developing wrist tendonitis is repetitive movements with your hands.

Let’s take someone who works at their desk full-time.

Roughly 8-9 hours per day of typing...


...and clicking 🖱 ​​​​​​​🖥 

With very little to no breaks.

It makes sense, then, that 6 out of 10 office workers in the US have wrist pain, and that each year, it is estimated 70,000 workers miss work due to tendonitis.

🛌 Perhaps you feel your wrist tendonitis each morning when you start your day. As you push yourself up out of bed, you feel that twinge already starting through your wrist, and you dread your office workday ahead.

💻 Maybe your wrist tendonitis creeps in during that first hour of typing away at work, and gets louder and louder - so loud, that by the end of the day, you *CANNOT* stand to cook yourself dinner and instead order takeout and eat one-handed while a bag of frozen peas rests on your other wrist.

Lucky for you, there are simple yet effective solutions you can start doing today to stop your wrist pain while you work (and keep it away!).

1. Find the right type of wrist support and (here’s the key) wear it BEFORE the pain starts ramping up 👏

Seriously. It can feel lame to have to put on a device when your wrist isn’t even hurting, but if you have a history of wrist pain with desk work, I PROMISE YOU you will not regret wearing a support while you work to prevent the pain flare from happening.

Each person is different, and luckily there are a lot of different types of wrist support options out there! Some love a sturdy wrist brace while others opt for something lower profile, such as kinesiotape or a wrist wrap.

2. Take stretch breaks 

I know, I know. 

You’ve heard this a bajillion times. But here’s the thing - it really does help! 

Set a timer on your phone or watch for a wrist stretch break every 1-2 hours. Here’s a great dynamic wrist stretch for hypermobile desk workers.

3. Make SURE your keyboard/mouse setup is ergonomic! 👩‍💻

The BIGGEST MISTAKE I see my desk worker clients with wrist pain is that their keyboard and mouse is TOO HIGH!!

This places a lot of stress on your neck, shoulders, elbows, and yep - you guessed it - your wrists.

Once you figure out how to lower your keyboard and mouse (maybe it’s with an attachable keyboard tray, or a lap desk) this one solution alone can resolve a lot of your desk aches.

Other key players are ergonomic keyboards and mouses (mice??? lol 🤷‍♀️).

I swear to you, nailing these 3 things can drastically decrease your wrist pain and help you improve your work productivity!

Which of the above tips will you be trying first?? 

Comment below with tip 1, 2, or 3 to let me know - I love hearing from you! 💛

And remember…

Enrollment for my workshop, ‘Pain-Free Productivity: Your Solution for Hand, Wrist, and Arm Pain in the Office,’ opens up on 11/29 with a massive Black Friday discount!

This program is packed with solutions to reduce your hand pain, prevent injury, and optimize your office setup—so you can work comfortably, all day long 🙌

🗓 So make sure you mark your calendar to check your email this Black Friday, you won’t want to miss this deal!


What every desk worker needs to know for pain-free productivity


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