I’m Corinne

I teach individuals with chronic hand pain from arthritis or hypermobility how to support, exercise, and protect their hand joints so they can do all their favorite + necessary activities with less pain and WAYYY more efficiency.

I spent much of my 5 year career as an OT at an outpatient hand clinic watching many patients with chronic hand conditions receive 2, maybe 3 brief hand therapy sessions and get discharged - still in the same amount of pain they had when they started - without viable and practical options for not just decreasing their pain but also thriving in their favorite activities.

I realized the current healthcare system was not built for people with chronic hand conditions like arthritis or hypermobility.

At the same time, as I labored away all day on many of my client’s hands, I too developed my own chronic hand pain. Initially I chalked it up to new mama’s tendonitis - and while that was perhaps some of it, the larger part of the picture was my hypermobility.

As I began to play around with the right types of hand supports and exercises I needed to do so I could continue working and doing mama life with less pain, I reflected on the great need for straightforward, practical support for those dealing with chronic hand pain.

When the pandemic hit, I was furloughed. This was the push I needed to start my own thing.

Alongside my husband Garrett (also an OT!), we opened our own local mobile hand therapy practice.

While this is deeply fulfilling and I have loved serving my mobile clients, I felt like a piece was still missing…

I met so many amazing people online with chronic hand pain who needed help navigating the right splints, gadgets, & exercises…

and then…

I created this online business to empower individuals with chronic hand conditions with the splints, gadgets, pain relief strategies, and exercises they need to not just decrease their pain but to thrive and get back to doing whatever it is they love most.

Maybe you’ve seen all sorts of hand braces and feel completely overwhelmed with all your options.

Perhaps you want to know all the best gadgets to immediately do your favorite activities better. Or maybe you're curious about hand exercises improve your mobility and strength, but you aren’t sure where to start.

If so, you’ve definitely come to the right place.

Access my insightful guides to support your painful hands.

The ultimate guide for arthritis hand supports

The ultimate guide for hypermobile hand supports